Tuesday, April 21, 2009


All everything is going to take right now. I have been doing nothing but running around on my days off. I have so much to do it even takes up Paul's time. He should be looking for work.
Today, we split onto two different paths. He went to Boise to apply for a job. I ran around getting things for the garden, things for me, and things to take care of Echo.
There were a bunch of squirrels out this morning. We had some plants ready to grow in there. I figured they would eat the corn. I got some repellent to spray on the fence.
There have been about 8 cats that have been captured. The recent one had a upper respiratory problem and it was sneezing blood. Fabulous. Another diseased creature. We haven't even put a dent into the cat problem. There is less cat crap in the yard.
Echo is going to be leaving tomorrow. Every time I have something new, he demolishes it. I have been trying to get ready for summer and have a nice backyard. Can't do that with the puppy. He has overwhelmed me. I had a new sun tea thing that I just bought. Echo was only out for a few minutes. He tore it up. I called Justin and he will be getting him tomorrow. Today, I gave him a bath and took him to get his nails done.
Right now, I am exhausted. I just want to sit at the computer and play games. Maybe, take a nap. I still have that awfu cold. My nose is stuffed and my ears are plugged. I feel a little loopy from the cold medicine.

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