Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Eight More Weeks

The cap and gown has been shipped the other day. Eight more weeks until this fiasco is over.
Not sure if I am going to be able to send off any announcements. It's expensive and I am living alone again. I am waiting to hear from someone about a new room mate. I'm not sure if that is going to happen.
No thanks to Sprint, I have been playing phone tag. No thanks to Sprint, I had to drive to Meridian to get graduation situated. The phone quit working for a couple of days. The answering service had to be reset...again. I can't wait until school is over. That way, I'll have time on my hands to write the Attorney General a couple of novels about Sprint and University of Phoenix.
The graduation is going to be June 2, more details to follow.

Monday, March 12, 2012

So it begins

After two and a half years, I am finally graduating. The ceremony will be June 2. Then, I must make adjustments to pay for the student loan.
Never again will I be manipulated into college. Some people may be skeptical and make snarky remarks about it. Obviously, they never experienced University of Phoenix. Look at their Twitter, they are responding to a ton of people complaining about them calling NONSTOP. Then think twice about making another ignorant remark.
I get this feeling that the war in the Middle East will not stop. The soldiers evidently need adult supervision. When you are in another country, you should be respectful. Would you not expect the same here? The answer is yes. You don't pee on corpses like children. You don't burn a holy book like children. You don't go around killing civilians. Seriously, you want to go home to your family instead of being deployed multiple times, stop being so stupid.
How about the rhetoric about the gas prices. Hey voters, do you remember that gas prices soared when Bush was president? No? I remember.