Friday, May 27, 2011

Thank God, Now I'm Sore

It has been three years since I have signed the paperwork for the house. A novel full of my signatures. Sign, sign, sign and now I am very familiar with my mailing address.
It's been about a year since a human being ruined my house. It has been a year since my big backyard was filled with a large tree.
Now, I ache. I repainted two windows that were ruined. I mowed the yard by myself after someone trying to convince me that I could not do it without him. Dad came over yesterday and we cleared that huge pile of garbage from the back. We were going to pick up two piles, but he did not arrive until 2:30PM. I had an assignment. We were not finished until 6:00PM. Then, I was too tired to finish my assignment or post two substantive responses.
I have been brave enough to venture to work, people have been acting more erratically than normal. I think that people have become worse since the rapture. I think America is pissed off because it did not happen. I honestly believe that it will happen without us knowing when it is coming. Kind of like when someone passes away; you never know when it is going to happen. None of us are getting off alive anyway.
What the hell is with the new Internet Explorer? Everything was working fine until it upgraded. Now, I am stuck using Firefox. I am not happy. I hate Chrome because it takes up space.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sick Day

Yesterday, I went to work. After the first call, my throat was bothering me. I asked if anyone has a cough drop and I am bombarded with cough drops. I can't figure out what I did with mine. The day wore on, conversation after conversation, my body begins to ache and my skin feels hot.
As soon as I get home, I fall asleep. I slept until 3am, my throat feels horrible. It hurt too much to speak. So, I called in sick. I spent the day drinking Theraflu and taking night time pills.
I begin to feel better by the hour. Then my throat begins to act up again. I pretty much spent the day sleeping, playing online games, and doing homework.
The only thing I have been hoping for is for some fairy to come by with something edible. Maybe bring me a DVD of Conan O'Brien episodes. That is virtually impossible. I have one DVD and it is of his 10th anniversary.
I am addicted to him right now. I ran out of clips to watch on YouTube. (I even ran out of videos to watch of another individual I love to watch! How is that possible, he has over 500 videos?? GRR!) I have been visting the TBS website and it takes forever to see a new episode. I don't have television and I don't have cable. The only people I know with cable are my parents and it would cost me too much money in gas. I just got a new room mate, so I am currently readjusting my life and my finances.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trip to Canada

I do not know what it is, I keep having dreams about being in water. Last night, I had this dream that there was a huge flood. I was swimming to find dry land and avoided a black shark.
I met with someone and we kept swimming. We swam to some grassy hills and sat to dry. The guy I was with starts talking to someone else below us. There was a gate with a couple of guards. It turned out that we swam to Canada.
The whole world ended up under water except for Canada. We were let in to Canada. Then I started to go to school and I saw Ryan Reynolds sitting in front of me. Second dream with him, weird.