Saturday, January 28, 2012

Road Rage

I wish I had something pleasant to talk about. School is almost over. Then it is a journey of finding ways to pay for it or if I will find better paying employment. I love my job, I know I can't do it forever.
I have a sore throat. I went on a search for some night time stuff, but I found expired pills. Judging from the random medication from you know who I find around the house, I decided to toss it. Who knows what it was.
I went with my brother in his new car to Mountain Home. That was fun. I skipped a day of homework, which was great. The bad news was that I was asked to work some overtime the next day. I'm getting a B in Life Science anyway.
I had a fun time going to work this morning. Some nimrod cut me off. He rode on his breaks. When I went to the next lane, he slammed on his brakes. He followed me to the Albertson's parking lot where he harrassed me some more. Luckily, I know the number to 911. He sped off before the cop arrived.
Now, I'm off to bed. Hopefully, it's not going to be busy tomorrow because I have an assignment due.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Not Taking Crap 2012

I had a new room mate. She only lasted for a couple of days. She had a new VW bug and worked at McDonnalds...that was going to be short. Mike is going to be here til spring. yay.
I wrote a long angry letter to Centurylink. They provided the worst customer service of the year already. Their website malfunctioned and they wanted me to pay a fee to pay on the phone with a rep. There is no way in hell I will pay because it is not my problem. The reps were snotty and extremely rude and stated, " Are you made because you are not getting your way?" Excuse me?
I tell University of Phoenix I do not want to continue going to college for a higher degree. My social life is in the negative. Their website sucks. It is always down. I am always running into some problem and every time I ask for help, I have to call many times and they have to keep asking for information each time. Tech support is being snotty to me. I wrote nasty feedback. I finally got the problem with Adobe fixed after the fourth call.
Mike keeps messing with the heater. I'm putting a lock on it and see what he does. In fact, I'm going to clean the bathroom at 3am. Why? He keeps urinating on the floor and never cleans up after himself.
I am thinking about finding new employment. Some people are talking to me as though I am not reading what is going on. It is condescending and I am tired of it.
In the mean time, I am having a hard time socializing. It occured to me today how much bullshit people put me through. I am afraid that the same behaviour will occur with new friends. I am probably destined to be alone.