Wednesday, October 27, 2010

America's Catch 22

While taking Cultural Diversity, I learned about Hispanics. Puerto Rico is U.S. territory. Puerto Ricans can come and go as they please to our country. They are obligated to join the military. Puerto Rico does not have the right to vote. True story.
Native Americans and Hispanics were treated the same way on this continent. Land was taken from both. America battled with Mexicans in the Mexican war and pretty much shoved them off the premises. I understand that Mexican territory exists in America, but only in isolated areas.
What is the big deal with people having a fit over illegal immigration? It cannot be jobs. The whole planet is in economic ruin, jobs are scarce for everybody, try again. Are people afraid of learning a new language? Afraid of needing an interpreter? I have read nasty comments of people saying, "SPEAK ENGLISH!!"
Here is an interesting observation I have made. Many Americans want people to speak English. Then people bitch if they speak to a foreigner that can speak English. Don't believe me? Okay, you might want to think twice when you make a comment when you call a company and someone with a Filipino accent answers. Our ancestors came from other countries to build this country and steal it from others. Perhaps America should isolate itself from the rest of the world?
Shakira tried to protest for illegal immigrants and gave the weakest argument. For someone who is intelligent, I do not think she is bright enough to be an advocate for immigrants. Her opinion was that a woman in a domestic abuse situation may end up being arrested for not having legal documentation. If she does not have legal documentation, why is she here anyway? People need to learn about the past and the present.
I think that America and Mexico should unite. I do not mean America needs to take over Mexico. People need to get along with each other. This illegal immigration business needs a rest. Give Puerto Rico voting rights or give the country back. America should learn Spanish and Mexico should learn English. Every person should have equal working rights. Everyone needs to hurry up and get along, remember, Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group.
That is just my two cents.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Advanced Heating and Cooling = DANGER

The last time I had someone that tried to rip me off was when I had my Dodge Neon and I was taking it to the Sundance Dodge Dealership. They refused to work on anything after hours of not being with a car. A gas furnace is no different and just as deadly if nobody fixes it correctly. A leaky gas furnace can cause people to die from the toxic fumes and can make a house explode. Who here understands this?
So, it takes about two hours to find people to fix the gas tank. Intermountain Gas does not do anything, they just provide the gas and take your money. I received a phone call from a guy named Stew from Advanced Heating and Cooling. This is how it went before he got there. (Remember, at this point there is no gas leaking. I also work alone and cannot come home in an emergency.)
Stew: What is the problem with the gas heater?
Me: The coupler keeps going out.
Stew: Is it constant or intermittent?
Me: This happened a year ago twice.
Stew: If it goes out like that it is the gas valve. A new gas valve will cost between $350 to $400. I can fix the coupler you will only be throwing your money away. I can show you how to fix it yourself so you will not have to pay anyone to fix it anymore.
So, I let him come over. I had to leave in a half an hour for work. I was calling from 8am until 1030 am, that is how hard it is to find someone to help me. He takes it apart, replaces the coupler, and does not show me how to do anything. The house at this point stinks from the gas. I figured it would be something that would air out. I ask him how much it was, he said not to worry about it. This is where I should be suspicious because of the smell and because he is not having me pay, right? No, I let him leave and I hurry to work because I am running late.
Roger calls my phone at around 7pm. He tells me that the house smells strongly of gas. I told him someone was over. I tell dad I need someone to check the house and check the dog. I call Stew and he says that the smell should be gone by then. He advises to check the connections and shut the gas off if there is still a problem.
I spoke with dad and he said that the smell was faint and the house must have aired out. I come home and it smells really weird. I called the emergency line for Intermountain Gas and tell them about the smell. The gas person came out and started with a reading of 3.2 and when he got closer to the heater it was 4.5. I am beginning to feel angry at Stew. The gas valve was broken and was leaking gas.
So, the gas person shut the water heater off and put a red tag on it. He told me when I can get it fixed to give him a call to remove the tag. Great. I called around to see which company Stew was working for. The places that are 24/7 are not answering the phone or returning phone calls.
I called Stew in the morning. He came back and tinkered with the gas heater some more. I figured if he broke it he would fix it. Guess again.
Stew: Well, just what I thought. The gas valve is bad.
Me: The gas was not leaking until you worked on it. The gas company said that the gas valve was broken.
Stew (trying to use some rhetoric): Well, I try to help you out and you accuse me of breaking your heater.
Me (I was educated in Critical Thinking): What company to you work for?
Stew: Advanced.
Me: Get out!
To me, the whole thing just seemed deliberate. Tells me it's the gas valve, it was leaking gas after, and now it was just what he thought. I call around trying to find someone who can fix this. The gas valve was ruined at this point and I am without hot water. I called the gas company to see if I could get anything. I called dad to see if there was any good advice. Call the company! Nobody is answering and I have to leave a message. I am pissed.
I called more people and I finally come across someone. He works for Todd's and he was working on a roof. I explained the situation to him and I am begging for help at this point. He thought the situation was messed up. He came over and put the heater back together. The gas company took it apart.
Michael made sure I was not going to have a leak again. Intermountain wanted to send someone tomorrow, I work all day and my classes begin I cannot do that. Michael was concerned and did not want to leave the gas running without someone signing off on it. The same gas guy came over, he was already at the house at 1am. Everything checked out okay. This seems a little weird as well, the gas leak was mysteriously gone.
But, it's fixed. Michael was really cool and he didn't charge for the service call. I am going to be raising some bones to get a new water heater and I'm going to be calling Todd's. I might even have them look at the wiring in the house. Finally!! I get to take care of some stuff.
By the way, I took down the chain link fence in the back. Dad has it and I also chucked a few random things into his truck. I took down the chicken wire. Roger fixed the hole above the door!! My house is looking less trashy. Now, I have to do something about the pile of twigs in the back and the tree stump out front.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I wish I could just get a different energy resource instead of messing with Intermountain Gas or Idaho Power. Idaho Power is a scam, they turned up the price by $200 a month last winter just to upgrade the meters. Thanks for making it hard to pay the gas bill which is about $200 during a time when I was going through a hardship.
Never pay for a house warranty. If there was any advice I would give, never buy a warranty. They do not do crap for you. I had things that I thought was under the warranty and it says that it is covered. They will come back and say that you owe them because they do not cover it. What exactly do they cover? Nothing.
Gas is the worst energy source. If I had any power and money, I would switch everything out for something else. Even better, I should not have bought the house if I understood what a fiasco it is to fix ANYTHING. People are lazy as hell over here. LAZY.
The first time my gas went out, I had no idea who to call. Intermountain Gas? No. I had to call and call and call to find someone to come and fix it. This was August of last year. It is nothing but a big scam. The guy came over and charged $233 to repair it.
He took a bunch of stuff off and put different parts on. He said it would be under warranty for longer than a year. The next month rolls buy and it is doing the same exact thing. It isn't under warranty for him and fix it again. The paperwork is the most important thing to keep, I had it and it said he has to fix it free if it stopped working again.
Today it is not working, again. I called Overall Plumbing and they said it was out of warranty. Scam artist, I will never go back to you again. The people that are more affordable cannot come over today because I have to work. I cannot call in because I am the only one that closes. Go figure.
There is one that advertises 24/7, guess what? They are not 24/7. They said that they would not be here until Monday. What the fuck??? People, what the hell is wrong with you? Why do you have to make it complicated to keep warm water? It is starting to get cold outside and you are making me jump through hoops just to get something fixed.
What makes me even more upset is my dad. I tried to get in touch with him so I can get assistance with getting in touch with someone that is not going to charge me a ton of money. I am never ever ever ever going to call him again to help me with anything. He kept on saying he could be here, hey great but I need help locating a technician that can be here after 11:30pm. Look, my room mate works. I cannot leave him a note about the water heater being a piece of shit. I cannot stay home because I work alone on Saturday. I do not have very much money. I can only afford maybe $100and that is it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mean Neighbor Lady

That is exactly what I am. I have come to the understanding that people like to trespass on my property whether I have a fence or not. The neighbor behind me thinks he can come into my yard. The kids next door think they can come into the yard.
I have lost a step ladder from the backyard. I have the other ladder inside. I do not have a shed nor can I afford one. I could make something on the patio but then I would not have a view of the backyard.
Roger told me that someone was wandering in the backyard at seven in the evening. Of course, this is a person that can not make an educated guess and exaggerates everything. He speculated that the woman he was dating was a cheater. He even said that the police were across the street yesterday. I do not believe the statements are true and I think he is paranoid.
Everyone knows about the cat problem. Every time I turn around, I have to scoop the yard. It is like I have a cat and clean a litter box every week, except for it is my yard and the cats are not mine. When people walk their dogs, they bring them to my yard so they can go to the bathroom. I yelled at one guy already when I came home one night. Then today, this girl with a Labrador was in my yard talking to the neighbor.
"Any reason you need to be in my yard?" I ask her. She said she was visiting the neighbor and then mimicked me. I scowl at her, "Get off my property!" I think she was a little shocked and scared as she quickly got out of my yard. My glare can pierce your heart, okidoki? Some people let my sweet demeanor trick them.
Sure, I am not nice. I am tired of people just going on my property just because they feel like it. Things have been stolen, I had a yard decoration stolen from the front yard. I am tired of scooping up after every one's animals. The only way to make it stop is to chew them out for being there.
The neighbor across the street is next. There is a couple renting a house down the road. The husband has attempted to hit on every female on the street. He even likes to walk into every one's yard. He tried to start a fight between me and Sandy. As if I don't have an issue already, right? He told her that Paul was coming over and I was crying on his shoulder.(Paul does come over, I do not cry on his shoulder. He will do yard work, borrow stuff, and fix the mower.)He then asked her, "Doesn't that make you want to kick her ass?" She told him she doesn't have anything against me. That right there, what he did, I consider it a threat. I think that should be a threat through a third party, I do not believe Nampa has any laws for that. I think I am going to ask them tomorrow.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sprint Customer Service

What we see here, is a person who went from level one to level three because an agent did not know when to stop. I never had AOL, but I have had service that has the same problem. Qwest does it, they ask one million questions that they call an interview to sell more crap. Sprint does it and they try to give you credit to sign up for longer, whoever falls for that has no logic.
September, I upgraded my phone. I never knew it dropped calls until people finally started to call it a little over 30 days later. It never dropped on anyone else because I was not at home.
Whenever I call when I am home, it drops phone calls like hot potatoes. On top of it, it acts funny. I didn't notice this until the other night. The phone was lighting up and showing the time. It did nothing else. Lo and behold, these text messages show up and someone was asking if I was mad at him. No, I wasn't mad it was taking the phone 20 minutes to give me a message. Great.
So, today I am feeling anxious. I have not heard from anyone, I have not seen any texts. I send a guy a message, I was thinking of deleting all of my online profiles because I am not getting anywhere with anyone. He told me that he sent me a message earlier. It is official, the Rumor touch is crap. My other Rumor did not drop calls and received texts. It was durable but not water proof. It was durable, believe me. The phone has been dropped and took a couple of trips across the room.
I called Sprint, the guy ask me how long it has been doing this. Well, I rarely get a phone call so I noticed this fairly recently. He told me that I was within the 30 day warranty. I told him I would go to the store and see if there is something different.
I go to the store. Wait for about 20 minutes for someone to help me. I am not within the 30 days. I am six days out of it. I am infuriated, Sprint has given me the run around again. NEVER upgrade with these people, NEVER.
I call them to give them a piece of my mind. The agent told me that I was outside of the warranty and the next person could do the same thing. I told her I wanted a supervisor because I am getting the run around. I take a break from school so I can fix the house, not mess with a cell phone.
I get a supervisor and he was a real ASSHOLE. I tell him the story and he gets snappy. He tells me I am being disrespectful and that he is trying to help and he cannot do it with me screaming at him. I told him I am not screaming at him and if he wants me to, I will. He gives me more lip and I tell him I want to speak with his supervisor.
He tells me that he can fix my problem. I told him no. He gave me more attitude, "Well, I will I will tell them that you are being uncooperative and that you are screaming at me." As I said, "Excuse me???" and asked for his identification, he put me on a hold. This pissed me off even more. I waited and waited. He was stupid enough to insult my intelligence as well as he was dumb enough to get back on the phone. So, I pushed his buttons back. I called him every racist name I could think of and told him that he never treats anyone like this.
He finally transfers me to another supervisor who was not being a shit like him. I yelled at her for 20 minutes and told her what the supposed supervisor did. I was not yelling until that prick got on the phone with me.
She finally got me to calm down. I told her that my agreement should be waived so I can go to another carrier that will give me respect. She told me that the text issue could be coming from another phone. Perhaps, but I think it is mine because of the weird thing it was doing the other night. Finally, we came to the conclusion that I need to take it to someone who can troubleshoot the phone. So, on my next day off, I'm headed to Boise to see if I can get down to the bottom of my phone problem.
Today, I gathered some twigs and tied them. I also clipped some stuff away in the garden. I apologized to the new guy for being bummed out. I haven't met him and I really want to. One of his daughters is terribly ill and he is taking care of her. Hopefully, she is on the road to recovery.

Precious Time Being Wasted

I already had my time wasted. I spent nearly two years thinking that someone loved me only to find out 1. He hides things from me. 2. He also has a son that is the same age as his daughter by another woman. 3. He had a pill addiction. 4. He married the woman across the street.
Forgive me if I am wrong, do I really need another person to waste days or even years of my life? I spent the past couple of days off going to Boise just to meet someone. He was wrapped up in work and is not comfortable with me meeting his daughters yet. All I wanted to do was meet him. Then he went to install a door into the ex's house and has not reached me since. Getting back with her? I don't know, I thought he wanted to meet me to.
Why in the hell are these people wasting my time? I get dating profiles and nobody is sending me a message. Except for the occassional loser or the guy who just wants my body. Fuck you people. You know what? I am better off on my own. I can't fuck myself over or waste my time waiting for myself.
I am really sad right now. I do not have anyone to go hang out with. I do not have anyone to go out drinking with. I had to be alone on my birthday. Fuck people, nobody gives a flying fuck about me.
I passed my classes and I am on break. I spent the past week alone. FUCK YOU PEOPLE.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Don't Know

I really don't know what to do with myself. I think it's because I have all of this overwhelming crap. I want to find someone I am compatible with even though someone I thought loved me ruined my home.
Plenty of Fish, not my cup of tea. People that I do not want to communicate with will not leave me alone. People I do want to communicate with do not talk to me for very long at all. So, I go to someplace I had left for Paul. My year book.
I go there I can bid on pictures and people can bid on mine. I can flirt and battle. I run across someone that I saw on plenty of fish.
He is asking me all of these questions. Oh yes, how come you never wrote me on plenty of fish. How the heck should I know? Maybe I can communicate with people easier on year book. What do you think? He asks questions, I almost think I made a mistake even trying to find a different venue. Yes, I was randy and wanted to flirt with you! He already knows I am shy and why I do not trust anyone right now. Older with some kids? Why not? Everyone I meet has kids.
Paper is due by midnight. I am full of anxiety. I have no idea about anything. Not a clue. I have no idea why I am looking for anyone. I think I want someone to sit and do homework with. I need someone to go for a jog with. I need someone to go grocery shopping with. Grr.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

More Time To Myself

At work and at home. My position consists of showing people where policies are and what they mean. Sometimes it is other people showing me things and helping me become more knowledgeable of products. I think there are a ton of cool products; I do not get to use them. I work ten hours a day and for the time being, I am exempt from overtime. Three days to myself...what to do.
I should sign up for overtime because I am going to need the hours in case Roger decides to move. Then I won't care if I am living alone. Maybe the occasional company, Mr. Kennedy?? How do you urge a man to come visit? I keep giving him sparklies to entice him, but he seems to be preoccupied. Sad, sad, sad.
As far as dating life just goes and never stays. I have one guy that seems to think he can tell me what to do. I think I am going to have to add a disclaimer about dating someone who is a writer and is online all day.
What happened was that you know who read my writing all the time and kept on throwing temper tantrums about things that had nothing to do with him. I would accidentally go to a website involving dating and he insisted that I was cheating. The new guy tells me to stay off of Plenty of Fish. Really? Did I say we were together? I think not. I do visit dating sites now and have every right to. If my schooling and job is disrespected, you are going to get the boot. If my writing is read, do so at your own risk. I do have some naughty stuff in there and, yes, about previous lovers. It's life, give me a break or hit the road.
It's my goal to live the human experience. That is the purpose of my writing and making videos. That is the reason why I get tattoos and piercings. Perhaps it is why I have a car and live independently in my own house.
School is going great. I finished writing my other essay last night. Now, I need to polish them off by adding quotes and citations. Then, it is break time. I do not have a break. I have to fix the shit that Paul did to my home and clean up the mess my tree made. I have to bundle a huge pile of twigs, if you want to join, you can.