Sunday, October 17, 2010

Precious Time Being Wasted

I already had my time wasted. I spent nearly two years thinking that someone loved me only to find out 1. He hides things from me. 2. He also has a son that is the same age as his daughter by another woman. 3. He had a pill addiction. 4. He married the woman across the street.
Forgive me if I am wrong, do I really need another person to waste days or even years of my life? I spent the past couple of days off going to Boise just to meet someone. He was wrapped up in work and is not comfortable with me meeting his daughters yet. All I wanted to do was meet him. Then he went to install a door into the ex's house and has not reached me since. Getting back with her? I don't know, I thought he wanted to meet me to.
Why in the hell are these people wasting my time? I get dating profiles and nobody is sending me a message. Except for the occassional loser or the guy who just wants my body. Fuck you people. You know what? I am better off on my own. I can't fuck myself over or waste my time waiting for myself.
I am really sad right now. I do not have anyone to go hang out with. I do not have anyone to go out drinking with. I had to be alone on my birthday. Fuck people, nobody gives a flying fuck about me.
I passed my classes and I am on break. I spent the past week alone. FUCK YOU PEOPLE.


  1. you know you are always welcome to hang with me.

  2. I know. Thank-you, mom! I'm starting to mellow out a bit.
