Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trip to Canada

I do not know what it is, I keep having dreams about being in water. Last night, I had this dream that there was a huge flood. I was swimming to find dry land and avoided a black shark.
I met with someone and we kept swimming. We swam to some grassy hills and sat to dry. The guy I was with starts talking to someone else below us. There was a gate with a couple of guards. It turned out that we swam to Canada.
The whole world ended up under water except for Canada. We were let in to Canada. Then I started to go to school and I saw Ryan Reynolds sitting in front of me. Second dream with him, weird.


  1. I had a lot of tornado dreams in my 30s. I always got away unharmed though.

  2. I normally dream of volcanos and the end of the world, luckily I survive those.
