I have been stark raving mad at University of Phoenix. The fact about them is that they are aggressive and they stop at nothing to put an innocent bystander into a sticky situation. Here is another fact, I did not know I was going to be going for two years to get my Associates.
Another fact is that FASFA only covers the first year. I am on my own for the second. I never wanted to go back to school in the first place. They were extremely pushy about how better my life will be. It is no better than it was over a year ago. In fact, they completely ruined my social life. In the dating world, people want your direct attention. They want you to drop every single thing you are doing. They do not believe that you do school on the weekend. I am writing papers all week to turn in Sunday, what does that tell you?
I had to take breaks from school. I had to put my house back together again. I had to figure out what was going on with the room mate. He finally came back after a month to tell me that he is moving. I beat him to the punch, his stuff was outside.
The facts are pissing me off about this crappy college. I don't know if I will pass Algebra. When I was speaking to Jen about it she got miffed and told me she was offended and said that I said that she was not helping me. REALLY??? That is what I like to call an Emily Gilbert moment. I did not say she was not helping me, I am doing everything I can to understand class and the whole sticky situation that I want out of. I cannot wait to be done with UoP and I am NEVER going back.
People are always talking about horror stories about this college. I understand it is difficult to transfer credits from them to another college. I am not concerned about that because I don't want to go to college after I get my degree. Another horror story is that employers will not hire a UoP student. Not true. Plenty of it is distance learning and assignments are due by midnight Arizona time. Jobs are concerned with students because of the schedule. UoP students don't need much of an adjustment to the schedule. Unless it is a job with mandatory overtime, that is when it is exhausting and accommodations need to be made.
The only horror story that is valid is the fact that they have no mercy. I think the college thing is a scam. People make an excuse that every job you need a Bachelors degree. It has to be a scam put on by the US government. They suck you in with this grant money only to leave you with another year that you have to pay for.
Ah, one of my drama queen co workers is presently working on her higher degree through UOP, I think she thinks she is going to replace our boss lady, Her work day consists of starting late, immediately followed by breakfast and smoke break, a little filing, some internet work ie; facebook, email, UoP work in stunning classes such as "Critical Thinking". THen if ANY member of her family calls she is off like a shot to pick up and drop off, she must have the only working car. She gets phone calls from them all the time, don't know about the financials, she will not be able to pony up any cash at any point to pay for another year of classes when what ever she is using runs out. What a waste of time. Oh yeah then there 11 o'clock lunch followed by extended smoke break. Yeargh!!! AUntie R