Thursday, June 7, 2012

Got Some Exploren To Do

Had another vacation and not very many people to contact. I believe that vacation is disappointing. I haven't been anywhere in nearly three years. I have been home doing distance learning. My social life is so bad, I would rather work on my birthday. I wanted to go camping before I begin paying for my new loan. So far, I have had two weeks of free time and nothing happened. Yesterday, I was overwhelmed with disappointment. I had discovered some interesting information in a traditional life "magazine" that I found at Albertson's. The magazine contained a list of various places to have a picnic or hike or whatever. I found one on the list that had native paintings. The website claims that there are places to camp. I decided to go and see if it was over rated. I had no idea this area of Idaho existed. NEVER trust Mapquest because it is ran by idiots. How come it cannot say, simply take 12th Avenue? No, it says take Dewey to Fern to Holly to Greenhurst...pretty much drive around in a great big circle. Morons. I was already pissed off and even more enraged at the crappy instructions and the waste of paper. So, I took 12th Avenue or street...whichever has Walmart on it. I drove all the way until it turned into a highway. As soon as I turn onto Melba, I was amazed that I never knew about this area. There were fields of large lava rocks that randomly had cattle. I made it to Celebration Park and noticed lizards zipping across the road. I did not notice anywhere to camp unless I had a RV. I think it would be too uncomfortable in a tent. I wandered through an archery range and hiked through the large, hot boulders. I would not say that they have paintings, I would say that they are carvings. It was an interesting trip that is only a half an hour away from the house. It was kind of a lazy day yesterday. I got quite a bit done. I painted the front door and the front window. Things are beginning to look better. I began to paint the extra room today. I will finish the rest when I am more motivated. I went looking for a place to get more ink. Perhaps the sun god of Aten...

1 comment:

  1. So the lava rock were having cows? Really, what was upsetting them so badly?
    love you
