Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's True What They Say

Occassionally, I will see these posts on Facebook about age differences. Sometimes I think they are wrong because I know what old ice trays look like and what a cassette tape is. Heck, I even know what an 8 track player is. Most of those things I must be too young to know. Well, I hang out at antique stores and yard sales. People sell stuff from way back in the day. I watch and listen to entertainment from years ago. Not too long ago, I was quoting Bedknobs and Broomsticks. My associate stated that I am way too young to know what that is. I watched a ton of television when I was younger. It reminded me of the time when I first moved to Boise. The teachers are so ignorant, it's a wonder they have a job...oh yeah, tenure. So, my social studies teacher had a quiz. The students had to name a movie from a picture of a couple of objects. He was surprised that most of the students understood Papermoon. Why is that so shocking? It plays on television every summer. Sheesh. Anyway, I am rambling. Another post on Facebook I saw was about how people of a certain age feel. I think there was a line on the post where an individual in their 30's are not as enthusiastic. My 35th birthday was last week. I had a great time with my family and was disappointed in some of the people who I thought were my friends. What sucks is that just about everyone and their dog have a family, live too far away, or are just plain avoiding me. The ones that avoid me were the ones I am disappointed in. I had dinner with mom. I had some sushi that was deep fried, I think I should have stuck with my favorite. I was not feeling too well, so I couldn't go see Batman. I waited for my father on my birthday. I thought he would be there sooner because someone else was inviting me out for lunch and I wanted some more ink. He finally made it and we went to Cobby's. I got my favorite number 24. We checked out the discount house and nothing fascinating was playing. We rented Fireflies in the Garden and War Horse. Both good movies. I have been waiting for Fireflies for about two years now. He brought a gift that Vicki made me. She made me a necklace and bracelet out of glass and pearl beads. I bought myself some presents. I got a few books and some more clothes. I need more clothes. I'm probably going to go to a few yard sales this weekend.

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