Monday, August 6, 2012

What If They Fire Back?

So, the anticipated landing of Mars has occurred. I was thinking of all the possible events. At one point, I wanted to place a bet that the rover would crash and burn. Billions of dollars down the tube; just like all the satellites floating around in space. They do not retrieve those when they break you know. Then a few amusing thoughts came to mind. When the pictures were being retrieved, I thought that maybe some curious locals would be peering into the lens. I am sure that NASA watched Mars closely for any sign of life. I was thinking it would be funny if some sort of life form would steal the spacecraft and run. What if there was life on Mars? Would they be more intelligent? Would they have the same intelligence? What if Martians really existed? I wonder if they would have been pissed off that we trespassed on their planet and started to shoot at planet Earth. Maybe they would enslave us. That would be like Alien Nation in reverse. If there was an encounter, they may have a name for our planet. "What is this Mars you speak of?" They would say because they probably have a different name for their planet. I reached that weird area of PBS one early morning and they were talking about life "out there." One individual was talking about how interesting our conversation would be if we were to encounter a being from another planet. It would be an interesting conversation indeed.

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