I am a little over experienced with scum. I have too much experience with liars. I have lived with them pretty much my whole life. I have had to live like it is a prison for a while.
My friend Terry stole. My brother stole. Morgan stole and committed much much more crime. Athena is back in prison and is a thief and a liar. When I lived at dad's house I had to have a lock on my door because my things were stolen all of the time.
I never did anything to deserve crap. I never stole and I don't lie. Why would I deserve to live like someone in the ghetto? I deserve to have a nice life without locks and storing all of my possessions in my room. Does my house look like a storage unit? No.
Then I went through a phase where I didn't really give a shit. I wanted to get away from the home. I moved in with a criminal named Ariel Gray. She had no job. Was living in a two bedroom apartment that her sister helped her pay for. She somehow spent $400 a day at Walmart. $400 on alcohol. I swear she was selling her body because she had a different guy for each time of the day. One day, she left me to watch a whole group of children. There was a teen in the group that kept on turning up the volume on the stereo. Next thing I know she was being evicted.
I didn't sign anything, thank God. I ended up living like a homeless person when she didn't have a job. My things were at four different houses. She had a place to sleep and take a shower. Ariel kept on saying how she was getting a home to rent downtown. The lady was a mother of a friend of hers. The mother hates Ariel with a passion. My mom and dad got together and helped my get my stuff and we put it into storage.
Then I lived in my own studio apartment for a year. I didn't want to live with anyone. I was sick of drama and I didn't feel like wasting the time or money to find a room mate to share a place with. The Liz talked me into taking over her room at Rob's house.
I said sure. I would be around people. I was there for three years. Many people moved in and out on a monthly basis. I lived with the same people three times. I put up with the neighbor kid. I tolerated Ryan barging in when he was drunk and even Antony when he dropped by. Then I was told I could have a dog. Then when I got Frank I was rudely in HUGE text that I could not. So, I bailed on Rob. I admit bailing on him. That's what you get for being a prick to me.
Then I got a house of my own. Apartments are running between $600 to $700. Why not get a house. For $100 more I could get something that is mine.
After one night of staying alone, I decided I needed someone to live with me. It is kinda creepy. Especially that creepy guy across the street. I know he was trying to stalk me.
The only person that responded to my ad was a teenager fresh from high school named Tonya. She worked at Walmart. She started to pay later and later. I told her she needs to start paying at the beginning of the month. She started to vanish for days. I looked for another room mate. Then Tonya went on a trip to stay with her boyfriend in Twin Falls.
I spoke with Leslie. Leslie told me that Tonya was fired from her job because she offended someone. I sent a message to Tonya's dad. Next thing I know I was being sent messages by the guy she was staying with. She had told her boyfriend that she had paid two months in advance. She did not pay rent two months in advance, I didn't even see rent for the month. He told me that money was being sent my way. I never saw money and I sent a message back, when is she going to pay rent.
He didn't know she was lieing to him. He called me. He told me that she was fired for petty theft at Walmart and that she stayed the night in jail. She was sponging off him and the people that he lived with. I finally spoke him into bringing the bitch back.
As soon as she was home, I asked her where the rent was. She was stupid enough to walk further into her lie. "I paid you two months in advance in October." I told her that she did not and told her when she had been paying her rent and the excuses that she had been making to pay later in the month. By law, you tell someone three days. I told her three days.
By now, the paranoia had set in. Leslie was lied to and she put a lock on the bedroom door. The prison session begins. I put a lock on my door. Tonya tried to move her things out while I was at work. The guy that she went to see in Twin Falls became the boyfriend that I have today. I really pissed her off, he stayed in my room.
Leslie has moved. Dan is starting to flake out. He has been with his ex wife off and on. My job is being viciously threatened by someone who needs her eyes to be clawed out. Paul has not paid any money since moving into my home in December. He has been doing house work and spending money on the house, I never asked him to. I put in another ad.
My whole world is feeling threatened people. I know if I lose my job, it's going to be very difficult to find another. I post on Craigs List, this list is going through a plague of computer scams. I post on Statesman, it is $25 a week. Nobody called me this time, period. It was a waste of $50.
I posted in the Nickel. Stupid me, I didn't put what town it was. At the end of the month, everyone from Boise was calling my ad. I put in another ad. Now with the Nickel, it is half the price of what the Stateman charges. Take that you money grubbing pigs.
This may shed some light onto how bad the economy is. Single parents called me to get a room. Someone who didn't have a job came to look and asked me if there was work in the area. Many many couples called me to rent the room. Some had children. I am thinking to myself, why don't I rent the whole house out and get the hell out of dodge? I figured it may be easier to be more open to couples who need a place to stay.
The recent couple, who I am already kicking out after less than a week, seemed fine. Great personality. One problem, Derek is on parole for fraudulent activity. I got a call within hours of giving them the key. I thought it was inconsiderate. Here is another person who thinks I have no clue what is going on. Then I was made a dog sitter. Then one morning, there are calls coming in on my land line. This is just a few days into this. I have seen this before at dad's house with the phone.
I call back and tell them to stop calling the land line. Problems galore. The guy called back. Vanessa is bi polar, has the same mentality as Athena, and oh yes, the guy that called was her father in law. Derek and Vanessa are dating. The previous residence was Derek's fathers house and his father used to make and deal drugs. Vanessa's husband is in prison.
The bullshit needed to stop. These people had no business moving into someone house. I am already having a hard time and these complete strangers need to make it worse?
Paul called Derek's parole officer and told him that some changes had to take place. Derek has been violating his parole, he didn't tell the officer where he was moving, he went camping, and he has not been at home when he was supposed to. I am not his babysitter. Derek also filled out an application that Paul gave him. Very vague answers. I don't remember my previous information is not good info. Derek asked me why I wanted him to leave.
I told him how inconsiderate he has been and that I am not comfortable with all the garbage that is going down. He will be moving out.
I am debating on if I will find another room mate or if I will give it a break for a little while. It all depends on if Dan will be leaving soon or not. In the mean time, I will find some different job.
No, I am not procrastinating. I have things I have to do. Anything that goes on in my home, I need to be here for it so nothing worse happens.
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