Sunday, November 14, 2010

Things You Can Do With Carrots

Mind out of the gutter! By mistake, carrots were grown. I do not eat carrots; it would improve my vision though. Now, I have two huge bags of carrots. I have a bunch of random things in my cupboards. What to do...
So, I took a trip to because it is my favorite website. It used to be, but the cool name was changed to something more simple. Ick. Anyway, I found a recipe for carrot cake and then I found one for carrot oat muffins. A few substitutions here and there and viola!

Aren't you jealous? I also discovered that I like to cook with jalapenos. I do not like spicy food but if you cook a jalapeno; it is not spicy. Spice is subtle and it is tangy. I'm kind of sad my pepper plants died right now. I made this amazing dish with shrimp, garlic, white wine vinegar, tomatoes, and jalapenos. No pictures, very sorry. It was delicious.
On a side note, I am getting things taken care of. I soaked Dino and cleaned his tank. Frank got his nails done. Oreo got her shots, she has plaque. I also took her to get her hair done.

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