Monday, January 4, 2010

The New Years Resolution

I have decided that my new years resolution is to not repeat 2009. Which will probably mean to move faster and think of something incredible to keep people from disconnecting an account.
Zack is supposed to pay rent by today. He hasn't made it back home. If he is not home tomorrow, he is going to have a hard time getting into the house. I already gave warning that he will need to leave is things don't start changing. Legally, I gave him enough warning. I have low tolerance.
I don't know what is going on with me. Sometimes I have been feeling unwelcome at work. I have to take a few extra measures to make sure that I am not feeling like a total reject. Getting a chat room made me a happy camper for crying out loud. Little things are making me happy. Is that a bad sign?
I am having a hard time wanting to look at my bank account. I have to. That way I know if I can afford to make a house payment. It makes me dizzy thinking about it. I am hoping really hard that Paul gets a job. He was e-mailed by Volt. I keep telling him to keep trying the same places. You don't just give up, this isn't the time to. It is a good time to show that you are a warrior. That is what gives you a job.
Class started up again this week. I was very scared. I had no idea what I was doing. Why on earth am I doing this? I think once I get back into it, it will be my revenue of relaxation. We are working on the format of writing this week. I don't know if I know what I am doing.

1 comment:

  1. hey there sweetie. Hang in there..I be proud of you and all you have accomplished...can Paul deliver papers??? its something...Autumn is struggling positive thoughts are always with you...
