Thursday, May 27, 2010


Doing research for the remaining part of my essay has put me in a somber mood. I wonder where I have been. Then again, I haven't been working at a movie theater for several years. I am not quite up to date on anything.
My topic is legalization of illegal drugs. I am against it simply for the fact that people abuse drugs. There are a ton of stupid people out there. I sincerely believe that a majority of people are trying to legalize it just for recreational purposes and not for medicinal. There are drugs that are synthetic versions and also drugs that do the same things the illegal ones will do. Why make them legal?
I hardly have any counter arguments to make my essay strong. The suggestion: talk about how celebrities are dying from prescription drugs. I thought it was a marvelous idea in light of the recent death of famous people like Corey Haim, Britney Murphy, and Heath Ledger.
I found a site talking about all the celebrities that have died from prescriptions. List ranges from Marylin Monroe to Heath. One fact shocked me, Chris Penn died back in 2006. I didn't even know he died. Not too long ago I watched him in Darwin Awards. Hum, that was released back in 2006.
It's really weird to see all these people dying. Britney Murphy's widower has died of a heart attack. I think I may have saw it coming, poor man. I think it would have happened to me if I was married to Britney. Her death shocked me because she was the same age as me.
People need to start being more careful. I don't believe that people think clearly when it comes to anything prescribed. I remember when I was on morphine for the first time, I up and drove my car home. Little did I know it was against the law. As far as I understand, Athena got in trouble for driving under the influence of medication.
The question is, are we as people intelligent enough to legalize a substance like marijuana? No, I don't think so.

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