Pay your bills. Pay your bills on time. If you think you may not be able to afford something, get rid of it before it becomes a debt or find something lower in cost until you can bring it back up again. If it is too late and you cannot pay it, find someone who can help you. For those who help, they may not be able to pay you back. If they can, kudos.
Take responsibility for your own actions. You might go to people that you think are responsible for your own actions. This is called a scape goat and it makes you look like a fool.
I have an understanding to pay for my entire bill. I might pay it in weekly increments, but I get it done. I am fully aware, if I don't pay the whole bill OBVIOUSLY it carries onto the next bill. This in turn leads to a higher bill, late fees, and jerks calling me demanding payment.
Seriously, it works. I have been bringing my bills down to as little as possible. I need the phones. I can't really bring down my gas bill, my house isn't well insulated. I bring things down.
If I ask someone how much to pay on a bill, I do not expect them to give me an answer. They don't. Someone is stupid if they tell you how much to pay. I pay what is on my stinking bill. If it leaves me with a credit balance, cool! One less bill to pay for the month. Even if I don't see it in the mail, I call the account and see what is on it. I go online and pay it and then gripe at them for my bill not arriving. Even mre griping when I get tricked into signing up for auto bill pay. It is tricky. Victoria's Secret website has something in VERY fine print where you would make the mistake of signing up for email bill. It's great, no paperwork. But, I want to waste paper and see it in the mail.
Take care of your bills before it is too late. You think that the company you do business with will pay for it. No way! It's taking things for free. That is stealing.
Did we walk astray from working for what we would like? Whatever happened to spending hard earned money for something rewarding? It has lead to not spending easy money on something you don't deserve.
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