Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Playing House

Is this just me? I normally get junk mail. It's one of those unstoppable phenomenons that exists.
Ever since I got my humble abode, I get even more junk mail. I constantly get letters of obvious scams of insurance when I already got insurance for my home. Scams on how to lower my mortgage. Right, any issue I will go to a financial person at the IFHA. Okay?
Come to think about it, it's probably why people throw important information away. Wouldn't you agree?
Then mysteriously out of the blue, I have a pretend baby. I don't know where this baby came from. The moment I was handed the keys, the baby magazine people heard my 30 year old feet coming in through the door. Thank you Huggie's for your wonderful money saving coupons for diapers that I am not going to be buying. Thank you Baby's R Us for letting me know the nice promotions that may come in handy for any up coming baby showers. Thanks so much for the information for that fund that Jane Seymore talks about in the commercials, thank you Gerber. Thank you for all those free baby magazines so if I ever do become pregnant I can get some random advice.

1 comment:

  1. huh. every since you moved into your house I am getting grandma literature......not really
