Frank has been in the habit of licking his paws. I never noticed until mom was clipping his hair. I have become self conscious about it.
Paul worked at an animal shelter and said that it would be a nervous habit. Leslie said that it could be food allergies. Mom says it could be a nervous habit. Which one would I go with?
I looked online and read about possible allergies or a nervous habit as well. I was thinking of possibly having him wear socks. I pay attention to him. I do lock him up for many hours of the day though. I have been sprinkling pepper on his paws and it works for a little bit.
He also has this thing on his nose. Leslie suggested that maybe his nose is running. I'd take him to the vet but right now, I cannot afford it.
There have been a number of animal behaviour going on around my home. The cats have flocked to my yard and pooped in it. It has got to the point where it embarrasses me when a guest comes over. Now, they are pissing on my home and clawing my house. There is going to be a battle going down. There are going to be many traps and many cats are going to vanish.
There is also odd human behaviour going on. I had already chewed out my neighbor for bringing his dog to my yard. I also had the neighbor across the street get in trouble for animal at large. Someone is still having their dog in my yard. I really better not catch them or their are going to be some complaints filed and there will be fines.
I am getting tired of it. My neighbors are going to hate me. They had been doing things to rack my nerves. I have to clean up after them. These pigs throw their garbage into my yard. They let their little brats play on my property. The animals are completely out of control and destroying my home.
There will be a barrier made along the fence. They will have their yard flooded. Cats are going to the animal shelter and hopefully they put these diseased ridden felines down.
I can understand if things go on every once in a while. Everything has been quite excessive. I am annoyed and things are going to get done about their disregard for others.
Home ownership is not always easy.