I know, I know. I have my own home, I can do whatever I freaking please here. If there is something that goes on, I put my foot down. I will not tolerate bull crap. At all.
My father, he has his own house. Vikki is my step mom and she owns the house as well. They can do whatever they damn well please. If they want to be a victim of their own demise, that's fine. There is something that dad is going to have to understand, his own flesh and blood is tired of the bullshit. We love you and we are going to be protective of you, dad. This could very well involve intelligent manipulation on Vikki and dad. What's more powerful than a pathological lie? The truth.
I love my step siblings. Most may not like that. You know what? They are my brother and sister. Just as little Justin is my brother as well. I know Morgan is a dumb ass and he may never get out of jail. That's his own damn fault. Athena? Well, she is an interesting character. She is my one and only sister. It's a love and hate relationship when it comes to Vikki's children. Underneath all of the bluff, they can be kind people. Can be. The parents need to let them be on their own to figure things out. They have had enough moral support, but they take that support and they neglect it. Apparently, it is time to stop and start saying no.
Morgan has been telling them once more that he will help around the house when he is out. He is a wonderful help. In fact, I like nice Morgan. He is good at yard work and he is a pro at fixing a lawn mower. That sweet guy is only temporary. Then he turns into this evil little thug want to be. He has proved it time and time again. Him and Athena turn into these mega manipulation machine masterminds. Isn't anyone tired of this proof?
Athena told dad that she had a doctors visit. She says that she was told her illness is getting worse. She will be losing use of her hands and her feet and that she won't live past the age of 45. She says that she will need assisted living. Well, put her into assisted living in a home. Call her bluff and see what happens. She seems to think that she can waltz back into dad and Vikki's home.
Vikki is getting on dad's case about his attitude towards the whole situation. My father is a retired person and he has not even been able to be retired because he keeps playing cab driver. I am respectful for concern for her kids. It's natural, she is the mom.
For as much as my dad has done for the step kids. For as much money as he spent on them. It is time for her to listen to her step children the same as he has done for hers. Vikki is one person. One. Justin and I are two people. We can easily come up with a bigger army than one person.
Athena's condition getting worse? Take this into consideration, Athena damaged her kids permanently. She did not take care of her kids. Why should dad stoop down to help her? She had received enough help. Enough is an understatement. She has received way too much help. Shykia's EYE is damaged, okay? She locked up her kids in their rooms without bathroom privileges. She treated her children like they were animals.
Athena, I like you. You are my sister. You are going to have to take things into perspective. I know this is why you don't come to me for assistance. I would expect our parents would treat you the same way as you parented your children. If you are manipulating my dad you need to stop. If you are smart, you would understand what kind of battle you are going to ensue and fail.
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