Friday, November 20, 2009

A Little Help

I am excited [The passive voice is a form of "be" (am) and a participle (excited). Over-use of the passive voice can make paragraphs tedious to read and officious. Try to use the active voice most often, e.g., the student completed the paper on time. The passive voice version: The paper was completed on time by the student. Note how often the passive voice appears in your paper.] to go back [ Eliminate colloquial language in academic writing. Colloquial language is informal phrasing that is used when speaking, but it is not acceptable in academic writing. Use return instead of go back. ] to class again. I called my friend Julie as soon as I enrolled. I told her how excited I was to be going to college through the internet.

This is driving me crazy, I have sent my paper through the proof reading thing four times and I have corrected this three. I need to figure out how to keep this from sounding passive. I even took the work shop on the difference between passive and active sentences.

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