Friday, November 20, 2009

There is a God!

Where we last left off with drama in Wilder, the step child was telling my father she only has so long to live and was going to lose feeling in her hands and feet. Dad called her bluff.
We could all see this was just a ploy for her to get back into dad's house and have him taxi her around. Same as before, again and again. He's retired you fool! How do you think the children would feel if their grandparents welcomed someone that ruined their lives back into their home? If it were me, I would be pissed off and refuse to talk to the grandparents. Children are human beings. It's not like you can break them and take them back to the store. It doesn't work that way. I've said it before, it just boggles my mind.
To boot, both of the step kids in jail are brainstorming ways to get back into the parents house. It's not going to happen! If Vikki is gullible enough to fall for their stint, she is in for the very thing that she was trying to get out of. The only way to make things change is to stop listening to them. With people like that, you don't continue to help them. They are clearly showing signs of not changing. Great big pink neon sign. WE ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE. Don't you see it blinking in the distance?
So, dad talked to the doctor. The doctor needed her consent. She signed the paperwork consenting. I don't know if it was out of sheer stupidity. I don't know if it is because she thinks she is living her lie. Nah, she's naive.
As it turned out, Athena is not loosing the feeling in her limbs. She is not going to die before 45. Unless it is by dumb luck anyway. Of course, the parents are mad at her for telling her information sensitive mother. Athena is mad at dad for calling her bluff. My dad is slow, okay? He is not as dumb as people think. There is a very smart guy under all that aged speed.
Athena's next move was to tell him that she will be on the streets if there is no place to go. Think again, there is no way they will let her be on the street. She will not be let out until she is in a home. The last thing we need is another baby on the way.


  1. They need to rip her tubs out and strangle her with them...kinda violent. uh huh

  2. Not as violent as my thought. I think she should have her retina's stabbed with an ice pick.
