Tuesday, December 1, 2009

National AIDS Day

It is National AIDS Day. Alicia Keys is to perform live on YouTube. I guess I don't have to worry about recording it on my DVR. I lost interest in Alicia. Like many young artists, she is a sell out.
I would like to blog about the victims of this virus. I am not talking about those who were irresponsible. The ones who did drugs and the ones who decided that they were Don Juan. I think those people should be condemned.
I condemn prostitutes. I condemn those who made the decision to have sex with them.
I hate the fact that we live in a world that will not educate anyone about sex and what the outcome will be. It's not just about babies or pleasure. You can get disease. You can spread disease. This does not matter if you use a condom or not. I think that every country on this globe is shy about talking about the possibilities. Why? This can help prevent bad things from happening. What is wrong with planning the future instead of having a surprise?
Today, on AIDS Day, I will be thinking of Africa. I saw a documentary on HBO about the suspicion on how the virus started. The documentary spoke of the vaccine for polio. They stated that the vaccine came from chimps. The doctors went to Africa to vaccinate Africans. They used these chimpanzees that carried a virus that is linked to HIV.
In Africa, there is quite a bit of distress. It is filled with those who carry around machetes. They butcher people. They kidnap children. They rape girls and women. This happens other countries. The attention is more so drawn to Africa. I don't know much about this country. I know that it is really violent there. Especially, in places that are poor.
There is a documentary called I Am Because We Are. It is a touching movie. Many children have been orphaned because of this disease. Malawi is one of the poorest places in the world. There are hardly any adults that live here. Can you imagine if that was going on here? The United States would be over run with children without adult supervision.
I know what your thinking, it's a Madonna flick. I think people should watch this even though someone scandalous made it. You may not realize this, but Madonna is actually a smart person. She has an intellect that would probably floor you. Instead of watching Alicia Keys singing on YouTube, you should go to Hulu and watch I Am Because We Are. Many things would be brought to your attention.


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